Thursday, May 14, 2009

Culture That's Out of Control

I found this posting on by Orson Scott Card. I thought he brought up some really good points about Mormon culture, things I had thought about - but he says so much better than me.

Here's the start of the article:

“How do these things get started? And why do they so quickly get completely out of hand? We Mormons are sensible, practical people, aren't we? Ditch-digging irrigators, that's how we started, anyway. You do what it takes to get the water to the crops, and then you go to priesthood meeting. Right?

We have a long tradition of avoiding wretched excess. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without," that was the slogan. Enough is enough.But there's another stream running through Mormon culture -- fads and fashions that leave the rest of us shaking our heads and wondering how things got so out of hand.................."

Go ahead - click on the link. Read the article. It's a good one.

Thank you Orson Scott Card for this article and making me "ponder" about a few things.


Teri's Life said...

I love that article! So true.

Megan said...

Thanks for sharing that. Our ward here still does refreshments for baptisms which was such a surprise when we moved here. I'd never heard of that before. :)